Worship Gathering 10:30 am
• Preschool: 9:30 and 10:30
• Elementary: 9:30 and 10:30
• Youth: 9:30
• Adults: 9:30 Bible Study
• Prayer Room open for prayer
• Pastries and coffee in the Fellowship Hall
We worship God with glad and sincere hearts, finding value in every moment of our Sunday celebration. We strive to see the value in a variety of expressions of worship that build up the church and strengthen the mission.
Our heritage is rooted in the use of a cappella music, which is a beautiful form of music that we have enjoyed and used to honor the Lord for many, many years. We continue to sing praise in this form. We also incorporate the use of a number of instruments and sometimes additional creative elements on various Sundays throughout the year when it will serve the gospel message well. God deserves all our praise and every offering we can bring in worship to Him. We are so thankful to have the honor of full access before His throne to lay our hearts before Him together each week.